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New Year. New Me. And New You.

New Year's resolutions often get a bad rap, dismissed as overrated or overhyped. However, in a world seemingly falling apart at the seams, taking a reflective look in the mirror might just be what's needed. While we can't control global issues like wars and hate, we can shape who we want to be and who we surround ourselves with. So, let's embark on a path towards grace, and recognize that it's okay to strive for improvement without judgment.

Change starts here, with me. And, I will oblige. Here are my five 2024 resolutions:

Live in the Moment. In the chaos of everyday life, it's easy to lose sight of the present. Resolving to live in the moment involves forgiving myself for past mistakes, and shedding unnecessary worries about the future. Embracing the small wins each day transforms my perspective in such a good way.

Embrace Imperfection and Strength. Acknowledging my imperfections is the first step towards continued growth. By reconciling moments I wish had gone differently, I free myself from dwelling on past regrets, and embrace what's ahead with a new found insight. Trusting in a higher power to infuse courage and hope into my daily life choices makes for a powerful mindset.

Surround Myself with Grace. Finally having the capacity to say buh bye to those people who've sung their melancholic tunes filled with judgement. On the flip side, I've been blessed with people who love and embrace every. single. part. of. what. makes. me. me. - the good, and the quirky. You see, 2023 was a big year for me. Something happened that gave me great insight: I was diagnosed with ADHD (or ADD). All good though! I'm well on my way in channeling my many superpowers - and do my best to disregard the haters. A lovely harmony has emerged - a melody of self-worth and genuine connection - along with the capacity to attract extraordinary souls who seek friendship not despite, but because of my idiosyncrasies. In 2024, I will choose those who choose me.

Go Vegan Where and When I Can. Being mindful to avoid products that harm animals demonstrates my commitment to a higher level of thought and compassion. I will always be mindful of ways to better navigate animal welfare. Beyond choosing to eat vegan as much as I can (currently, I'm vegetarian), I believe there is so much one can do to greatly minimize animal cruelty with conscious life choices. For me, 2024 is more: 'Animal-free' bags and shoes! And a continued BIG NO to fur, cashmere, silk, and down.

Work Hard and Stay Focused. Turf is a relatively new footwear company that makes me happy as I combine my passion for women's shoes with my deep commitment to animal welfare. There are many intricate moving parts to building Turf - from my responsibility to creating the most perfect and comfortable go-to-shoe, to pushing the boundaries with new plant-based and recycled alternatives, whilst redefining the narrative that women truly can indulge in luxury without compromising ethics and values. My promise to myself - and to you - is that Turf will continue to prioritize greatness in all areas of design, innovation and craftsmanship, and bring you so much joy and beauty in the days ahead.

In sharing these resolutions and thoughts, vulnerability becomes my strength. As fellow travelers on this life journey, embracing imperfection and revealing our authentic selves pave the way for growth and courage. Let's move towards becoming the best versions of ourselves, accepting one another's uniqueness, and creating a more compassionate world in 2024.

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